York Students for Climate Action

A grassroots group at the Univeristy of York that push the university to take real, urgent and effect action to tackle the climte and ecological emergency.

Like everyone, we have had to adapt significantly to ensure that our work is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, climate justice activism remains essential in the current political climate. As such, we will be hosting further events in COVID safe ways.

We will continue to host climate strikes, but they will look quite different to before! Check out our social media for more info soon…

We will also be hosting informative and entertaining events. To enable as many people as possible to attend these, they will largely be taking place online. Again, we’ll be sharing some exciting news in the near future, so keep an eye out!

And we will be continuing to engage with the University’s leadership, both with conversation and campaigning, in order to ensure that the University of York meets environmental standards befitting a large and prestigious institution.

What is the point

The living planet is almost totally fucked. We are in the sixth mass extinction event and little is being done in proportion to the crisis we are (currently) living through. University of York’s response? Cost benifit analysis that priorise the profit making of the univerity over people and planet.

It is time to stand up, speak out and take action to make change.

Join us. The world ain’t gonna change itself, but with you it just might

What have we asked for?

A concrete target of carbon neutrality by 2030, in line with York City Council, and YUSU’s declaration of a climate emergency

Introducing a carbon budget for university paid for travel

Creating a minimum-waste campus

Using its influence to put pressure on York City Council to improve the environmental impact of all of its policies, especially those that particularly affect students

Greening the curriculum - as part of diversifying and decolonising the curriculum

See this letter we sent to the Vice Chancellor last acedemic year. We’re rightly pissed off and don’t have the power to make the changes ourself